When two daddies really love each other and want to have children … their friends with the appropriate bits sometimes step up and help them make their family.

My name is Michelle and I’m a gestational surrogate. That sounds a little like I’m standing up in a meeting admitting to some awful problem but no, this is a great thing. As I post this intro, I’m 14 weeks into this pregnancy. It’s been a long path to get here. There has been plenty of doctors and lawyers and counselling and scientists and lots and lots of love. I’ve got posts saved up about the surrogacy process in NZ, some thoughts about the ethics around surrogacy, and I’ll also be posting the usual pre-natal blogger stuff about being pregnant. (Including threats to snapchat or Facebook Live everything.) As I’m 45 and considered “geriatric”, I’m sure there’ll be some stuff in here about the risks and mitigations along the way.

2017 is shaping up to be pretty exciting.