When I reflect back on the last two years, I cannot help but think of all of the people that have been a part of this journey. It feels a little like a joke “How many people does it take to make a #sciencebaby?”

There are all of the professionals who contributed to the science and legal parts of the process.  There were two lawyers, two counsellors, three doctors, several nurses, an embryologist or two plus all of the admin staff who made it all happen.

Then there was the wonderful woman who donated the eggs, the loving dads who delivered the sperm, me who provided the uterus.

Then, there were the people who supported us. Without them, who knows where we’d have all been. Katie, the egg provider, had her wonderful family who supported her while she went through the hormone crazies and the doctor appointments associated.

I’m sure the dads had several people too who were excited about how things were going and were there for them.

And me. I had so much love and support. In my counselling, it came up a few times how I thought I would cope being single and pregnant. Honestly, if I was single and pregnant and planning to raise a baby on my own, I’d have probably had many many freak-outs. At no point, though, did I ever feel really alone. Jim’s dads were always there when I needed them (and I am really crap at asking for help). Cipri regularly made sure I had chocolate milk and chocolate eclairs to satisfy my sweet tooth at work. Nick was a ready hug and there to do anything I needed.
I had great support from my family. My mom and my sister were regular sources of information about the magic that is pregnancy. My family has always had my back and everyone should have one like mine. My friends were amazing and hopefully didn't get too tired of most of my topics of conversations being the weird stuff happening with my body.

Finally, I had tremendous support from The Sainted Megan. I’m sure there were many days over the last year when she rolled her eyes and resented me being incapacitated or less helpful or just snoring on the sofa every time she came home from work in the evening. She was there for my minor freak-outs, for making sure I ate healthily, for enabling me when all I really wanted to do was lay on the sofa snoring.

She was my rock on the day Iris was born.

She held me during my first hormonal full body weep the day I got home from the hospital. She watched with worried eyes all weekend as I waved her off every time I suddenly started crying. Hormones are a bitch, I tell ya. She’s there even now, keeping a stealthy eye on my mental health.

While I will forever tease her for going back to work earlier than she had planned, it was only because I was well enough. If I had needed her with me, she’d have dropped everything and been by my side – mid election or not.
Thank you Megan for being there for me. I’m sure it helped my family too, knowing that I was well take care of while I was so far away. You’re the best.

It took a cast of a thousand to bring #sciencebaby to the world and I am thankful for every person who helped us along the way.

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